What are some names of gay porn stars

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“Perhaps those two observations help to explain why we take our porn so very seriously.' “For gay men, with no societal instruction on what happens when two guys fall in love or even just lust, pornography was for decades the primary means by which we could find those answers,” Rettenmund wrote in the introduction to his list. Last week, however, Rettenmund-author of the 1995 novel Boy Culture, from which his blog derives its name-posted what surely must be considered his magnum opus, his list of “ History's 250 Greatest Gay-Porn Stars.” His previous efforts included “History's 100 Hottest TV Actors,” “Dead Reckoning: Which Year Was the Worst for Celeb Deaths?” and “ 150 Gayest Songs EVER”-a list that included Abba’s 'Dancing Queen,” the Alicia Bridges disco classic 'I Love the Nightlife,” Little Richard’s “Tutti Frutti,” and of course the Kinks’ gender-bending classic, “Lola.” Novelist Matthew Rettenmund, in addition to authoring two fiction books as well as numerous pop-culture books-including the definitive reference work on iconic pop star Madonna, the Encyclopedia Madonnica-also authors a popular blog, Boy Culture, on which he indulges his passion for compiling lengthy lists.

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