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Hi Alittlebitlost, I can hear that you feel pretty isolated and maybe even feeling some desperation to make connections with guys you feel you can click with.

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I can also feel a lot of judgment in your post: you're only interested in a specific 'type', they must be 'straight acting' (not sure what that means, tbh). It also sounds like you're not short of opportunities to be making friends, but you're turning them down. The process of finding out who you are is going to take some time.

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Try to sit back and be open to the possibilities around you. Sometimes the more you try and make something happen, the less likely it is to actually happen. You're living in a time and are part of a generation that has access to opportunities that gay men before you did not.

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Being creeped on and getting unwanted sexual attention is not acceptable. Without giving away too much, I am also a gay male from Melbourne and I totally understand where you're coming from.īut it is actually possible to have intergenerational friendships that are just that, and you can learn a lot from guys who have already been through what you're going through now in a time when things were a lot harder.Ĭreating your own social circles based around things you're interested in and passionate about will bring you into contact with like-minded people, and (statistically speaking!) some of those will be gay.

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